Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Dr. Scholl's Insoles: BzzAgent Allie's Review

I recently became a BzzAgent.  What I do is get free stuff and create a buzz.  I am excited to say for my first campaign I received the Dr. Scholl's Messaging Insoles.

Dr. Scholl's Insoles

I am not on my feet all day BUT when I am on my feet I am relentless with them.  I wear flip flops, I workout, I hike, take walks and I am running around with the kids.  I have abused my feet with bad shoes all my life.  I am at the age where I only buy quality shoes and insoles to help my feet cope.

Let me tell you first, all of my shoes have some sort of insole.  My workout shoes have arch support insoles and my regular shoes have air cushion insoles.  So I am no stranger to having them in my shoes.  And I am more than willing to test and see if Dr. Scholl's  stacks up to the $30 brands I buy.

I am very pleased with the gel insoles.  What a concept!!  That gel is awesome!

This morning I decided to give my feet a challenge.  In my left foot, no insole.  In my right foot I placed the Dr. Scholl's Messaging Gel Insole.

At first the insole squeaked!  What the heck?  Air?  As I walked the squeak went away.  And that is the last complaint I have.

They fit great after you cut them down to size.  You can cut them using the guidelines they give you on the bottom of the insole or using the insert you took out of your show as a guide.  They don't slide like some inserts I have used.

I took a walk for about 30 minutes on asphalt.  There was some difference but not much, I mean I am using new shoes that are made for running and tend to cushion your feet.

The true results came after!!  I sat down to write out this post and the bottom of my left foot was throbbing, the one without Dr. Scholl's.  My right foot did not throb.  This is truly a victory for my feet.

I can't tell you how happy I am.  Like I stated before I wear inserts in all my shoes but all of them leave my feet throbbing after.   I was given the Dr. Scholl's Messaging Gel insoles for Women.  I think I may have to try the Sports version.

Click the links above to find out more about Dr. Scholl's Messaging Gel Insoles.  Here are some facts:

  • The insoles can be used in a variety of shoes.
  • They retail for about $13 (great price if you ask me.)
  • Men's sizes: 8-13, women's: 6-10
  • And can be found at grocery stores, drugstores and many discount mass retailers
  • Money back guarantee

*I am a BzzAgent. This is part of a Buzz Campaign.  I create a buzz about products and coupons I receive for free.  BUT I give my honest opinion, always.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Whoo hoo! Summer Break Is Here!

The Fam at the Grand Canyon 2010

My kids are out of school.  And I love it!!!

No homework. No tests.   No rushing around in the morning to get them out to school.  No stopping my day to grab them from school.

No worries for a whole 7 weeks! Whoo hoo!

Yep, only 7 weeks. 

My kids are on what is called a "modified traditional" school calendar.  They get a shorter summer.  But we get 2 weeks off in October, 2 weeks in December and 2 weeks in the Spring. 

When I enrolled my son in Kindergarten almost 9 years ago, I did not like this new plan.  I was angry that our summer would be cut short. BUT...and that is a BIG BUT...

October is a wonderful time to take vacations.  The weather is slightly cooler but still very pleasant.  And here's the biggy: LINES ARE SHORTER.  Everyone is in school so lines at amusement parks and any vacation destination are shorter!! Whoo hoo!

There is one problem: Football.  Yes, my son decided to play a Fall sport.  And that took away out October break.  But I love watching him play.  This year he is starting high school so will play for the Freshman team.  I am so scared for him.  Some of these boys look like men!! And my son just doesn't yet.

Would you enjoy a a shorter summer for 2 weeks off in October?

Monday, June 4, 2012

Summer Sangria

Do you have a favorite summer time drink?

Why does it need to be just one? I have different ones for different occasions.

In the morning I really love having a Grande Starbucks Iced Mocha, Nonfat, No Whip, 3 pumps. A walk with my hubby on a warm Saturday morning, grabbing the newspaper and hanging at our local Starbucks is an awesome way to start a weekend.

Now that afternoon...I'll simply drink some refreshing cool water or a Diet Pepsi. I don't like to weigh myself down with heavy drinks or anything with calories at this time. I save those for the evening.

Now if the opportunity arises (and the older I get, the more these opportunities tend to arise, lol) we will grill up some carne asada or chicken. This is my time to break out the sangria!!! 

Yummy sangria goes great with grilled food. I came up with my own recipe this last weekend and shared it with my friends (one whose cat I featured here) on Memorial Day.

 juice of 1 orange
 juice of 1 lime
 juice of 1 lemon
handful of frozen mixed berries
1 bottle of sweet red wine
3 cups of Sprite (it can also be diet or ginger ale, anything clear and bubbly)

Squeeze the citrus juices into the bottom of a pretty serving pitcher (well, don't worry if it is pretty, you'll be poring this stuff out so fast, the pitcher won't be seen. But make sure your serving glasses are pretty. ) Add the rest of the ingredients and stir. Refrigerate for at least 2 hours.

If you are like me, you need this recipe to be simple because you already started in on the Coronas or another bottle of wine. I mean who can wait 2 hours for such a yummy drink!?

Happy summer!!

What is your favorite summer drink?

This post was prompted my Mama's Loosin' It and I am so glad to participate in my first prompt.  It was fun!

Mama’s Losin’ It